Words to Live By:
Due to the awkward look and feel of Tauren in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Tauren, you've been warned.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Omg, where haz you been?!

I sorry! I been so busy! I been applying to college and dealing with friends and teaching newbs and I just been so busy!

I start out with story:

Along the lines of BRK's 'Hunter Horror in Redridge' videos, I myself found a young hunter being a complete and utter newblette. But mine was probably worse.

I was on Drenden, in fact, on a priestly alt in Loch Modan. I'm leveling her with Z to help him survive his burnout. Poor thing.

Anywho. I'm running around the Loch leveling and grinding and skinning and herbing, when I see a young hunter assaulting kobolds in a kobold village. He's level twelve, and looks a little overwhelmed. His pet has died, too. Awww....

I run over after he is done killing his little group of kobolds. I give him a Blessing of Fortitude. He thanks me. Then he keeps killing. I stand back and watch him run up to the mob, fire one shot, run closer, then start wacking at it. Huh. Curious. I help him burn down the mobs.

"Where is your pet?"


"Hey, where's your pet?"

"I don't have one."

"Why not?"

He looks at me. "I dunno."

I give him the lecture on being a good hunter and an upstanding citizen. I tell him to go grab a cat from Dun Morogh, then to go from there. He thanks me and hearths away.

Later I found him sitting with a new bear by his side. Well, at least he took some of my advice!

Anyways, that's story number one of where I've been this week.

Numba two explanation: Financial aid forms as well as insane amounts of homework.

Numba three: Z's boredom with WoW is starting to rub off on me, but that's another post.

Numero Cuatro: Hah, I got my first rejection letter!

Five: Having shammy back makes me avoid WoW like the plague some days, hahah.

Six: War Party is still dead, so I thus have no motivation to level Zocks and Saraii, though I guess it has been officially decided that Zocks is gonna twink himself at 29, which I guess means I'm not longer going to level him once he hits the bg cap. I'm also debating upon whether I should go have him train a ravager while he still has room for more xp. The other day when I was doing AB with Solusek almost every hunter had a ghost saber. It makes me want to shoot something, hahah. Also, even though Zox has bad gear right now, he still completely dominated, but I think I already mentioned that once....

Seven: I am obsessed with rerolling Alliance. There must be something wrong with me! I'm also absolutely dying to get back into ST on Gal, and into STV on any character, I don't care which! I want to be in Booty Bay! Now. And I want a panther.

In other news, I know, I'm sorry, this post is getting long: I went to go visit Hawk from One Among Many! We had an interesting discussion, or rather, we began an interesting discussion, on hunters vs. warlocks and their different pet relationships, but we got sidetracked by our funky hair and awesome style. We rock. I have to go back soon so we can continue our chat.

And from that we decided to post pictures of our characters. She started it off with Tigershark, her little troll (<3) alt hunter.

And, uhm, I think that's all I'm gonna cram in this post. To be continued!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woot! and more modeling pictures to come of course!

Doom is just dying to break a camera or two.

It was great chatting with you though, we will definately have to pick that convo up again sometime.

Some hairstyles just take too much attention...I mean come on, purple dreds!!! How can I concentrate?!


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