So based on a couple comments I got on my last entry, some actual in-game play, and Pike's latest post over on her blog, I decided to do the same thing as Pike and list all my hunters, the reasons I like/play them, the reasons I don't play them, and then talk a bit about my temporary solution to the alt problem.
However, I'm going to do this in parts, because school work and WoW work is enough as it is, so I'll just update this post whenever I feel like it (prolly a server at a time, with pictures!)....
Total number of characters on Rayare's account: 50 (plus or minus a few, cause sometimes I delete when I plan to make more, and then I don't end up making more for a week or two)
Total number of hunters on Rayare's account: 18 (I really thought I had more than that, but maybe they were all subject to deletion since last time I counted, heheh)
Total number of second-most popular class: 2 level 11 priests (I love them both to death, but they are both Alliance)
((coming soon))
My solution to the alt problem is to create a character of each of the classes I want/should [to] play.
I already have my priestie Bloofish, whom I love to death, as well as my warlocky Solsyn (redone on Nerzhul - she used to be on Daggerspine), me shamanistic voodoo queen Fiali (she be troll, mon, o'course), and my two new alts: Fiali the paladin on Daggerspine, and Gagda the orc warrior on Nerzhul (Gagda used to be a femtaur druid named Gallie, in case anyone was interested).
Let me just say that Fiali the Pally is so much fun to play. She fast to level and good if I feel like challenging myself with how many mobs I'm pulling, etc. I like to pull three or four mobs and then wait till the last minute to heal myself. Big rush.
I just rolled Gagda after deciding I needed to embrace the Ratshag inside me, so we'll see how she goes. Hopefully I will have lots of fun being a (gasp!) melee class!
And I am hoping that playing these classes will also make me a better and happier hunter. I think I will appreciate a lot more my role in the game, as well as everone else's role.
And I will finally feel appreciated! I want to be a class that people want to group with. Tanks and healers are wanted, so that's how I figure I should go!
Plus then when I play Gal I'll realize how much hunters are wanted by other classes, too. Seeing from someone else's perspective will be good for me (and my ego). To be continued!
Pike, and everyone else, thanks for the inspiration!
( < Bloo)
Words to Live By:
Due to the awkward look and feel of Tauren in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Tauren, you've been warned.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Hello Tank, Hello Heals
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altoholic pretty much sums it up
I can't wait to see more of this post unfold!
*loves hearing about other people's characters*
Glad to inspire ya!
I love the name Bloofish...that is all.
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