It seems like I've hit a wall at 58, where I am excited to go through the portal, but just not ready yet, but I really should because my guild is (finally) doing a Kara run on Saturday, and I am even camped on in Stonard right next to the Blasted Lands, and both Malzara and the Shammy (on his main of course) are super excited for me to start heading their way, and the Sham insists I should start running Ramparts, but I just spent basically ten whole levels in Winterspring grinding my face off and waiting for that cat which ended up being not as impressive for everyone else as it was for me, and....
And I'm going out of town this weekend, which will be a good break.
But here are some funny pictures:

*Note: I have to add before people start attacking me (like Lienna, heehee) that I love Blood Elf hunters, and have, like, four.
i know what it is, youre jus waiting a couple more days/weeks/months til i get out there...
I would argue, but actually a lot of blood elf hunters are pretty clueless, while leveling I've seen people do some pretty stupid things, and most of them by blood elves.
Of course that doesn't change the matter that you shouldn't be using gay as an insult! *tut-tut* blood elf hunters are merely creepy pedophiles, their sexuality is their own business!
Hahah, yeah I've witnessed many blood elf huntards. The other day I even witnessed the birth of one. It made me want to shoot myself.
And they do flaunt their prettiness more than, say, orcs or tauren do (male trolls are another story). I've known one or two gay elves in my day! Lol. Definitely not a bad thing.
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