I started playing WoW when I was a wee....
I've been playing WoW since it first came out....
How I Started Playing WoW
Uhm, okay.
Our Daddy bought us a copy of WoW at the Apple store when it first came out. Yay. We loved it. We were so excited.
Anyways, Dad bought me copy. We brought copy home. He helped me instal said copy on his super nice, super fast, super tricked out computer. So three or so hours later I had WoW. But Dad and I decided we were PO'ed about the +fifteen dollars a month dealy-o. I shelved the game, thinking I would return it.
A few months later (maybe three or so) and my great grandpa passes away. We go to his funeral, then go chill with the extended family for the day. Lo and behold: my cousin/aunt (don't ask) and her husband are sitting on laptops playing WoW. She on a gnome in Elwynn (or was it an orc in....?). She decides she's gonna teach me the basics. I listen patiently, make a mental note about how incredibly boring standing there smacking buttons must be, then forget about my family's big guild of Hordies (their server name started with a 'C', I think).
Yet more months later. I had been switching around schools and friends rapidly. I met this guy. I went over to his house with all of his friends and witnessed the wonder and glory of that which we know and love. It was the birth of a WoW junkie.
(I made a Night Elf rogue on his account and smacked things around for four levels. Yay.)
It took him a few weeks to convince me to actually reinstall the game, but I did, mostly as a pleasant surprise for him. We made many NE alts and ran around for hours in the newb zone (my record time from 1-6 in Teldrassil is half an hour). At the time, I had no idea what the Horde was, I was playing on a normal server, and I pretty much only played druids because everything else confused me. It was not until he asked me to reroll on his server, Ner'zhul, that I saw the light. I saw the light, man!
Behold the fully-epic'd orc hunter.
He had a snowy owl named Hedwig and a huge wolf to ride around on. His sword was bigger than he was. His bow was the coolest thing I had ever seen. And his guild tabard had beer mugs on it.
He one-shotted me and I knew I was in love.
My first Horde-ling was a female troll shaman, who regrettably only made it to level six. So he suggested I try playing a hunter. He could take me under his wing and teach me a thing or two about what ranged DPS really meant. So thus came Galileyo (I wanted Galileo, really I did, but it was taken at the time (and is now taken by me) and the -yo makes me sound way more ghetto anyhow). She was the first character I ever leveled past fifteen. It was such an achievement! Her first pet was a red raptor named Domino, who until very recently still sat in his stable munching on treats.
He rolled a tauren shaman to accompany me on my adventures, and we made the best duo this world has ever seen. To this day our greatness astounds me. /modesty
Soon after we were gallavanting all over Azeroth together. We'd PvP together, we'd instance together, we'd quest together. We always shared XP. If he sent money on his alt over from his main, I'd always get some, too. If I wasted that money on non-combat collectable pets, I'd buy him one as well and drop it in his mailbox for a "surprise, look what I got you for five gold!! it's a white kitty cat to go with ur cowness!!"
This is how I got spoiled. This is why I level so slow.
I forget to level my professions because we always had money. I'm still learning what gear to buy myself on the auction house because he'd always send me stuff (I've been twinked out for fifty levels in a row now). Because he already had a sixty, he let me play in a very RP-esque style: meaning less grinding, more let's-go-exploring or let's-see-how-many-hits-it-takes-for-that-elite-??-to-smush-us!! I spend a lot of my time wandering around. I spend a lot of my time rerunning instances. I get ADD about my quest log and I'd rather spend hours PvP-ing that leveling. I indulge in having alts and rare pets. I'm probably going to grind every faction so I can have every mount before I hit seventy.
But I digress....
At level 48 it changed. I was running out of steam on Galileyo, and he on his shaman. The Burning Crusade was about to come out and we each had different goals for the expansion. And he got a girlfriend. She wanted to play a blood elf rogue on a server far far away from me. Understandable.
So Galileyo and her pet shammy were abandoned, and the hunter and his trainee parted ways in the WoW world for good.
At that point I wasn't playing at all. I went four months without a drop of WoW. When I did start playing again, it was only to indulge in my need for alts. Many many alts. I went on alt-overload and since then have not been able to stop. I sucked at every class, and I was frustrated that I couldn't level Galileyo on my own....
Part II coming soon....

Words to Live By:
Due to the awkward look and feel of Tauren in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Tauren, you've been warned.
Monday, November 26, 2007
A Post About WoW
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