Words to Live By:
Due to the awkward look and feel of Tauren in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Tauren, you've been warned.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Post to a Pet

So the lovely huntress Gal dinged 54 last night. She would have leveled the night of my BRD solo run, but I was conflicted about which trinket to get from my Azshara hunter quest—hmmm, AP or longevity as a BM hunter??

Anyways. Went with the AP. I can (and will) always get something better once I hit Outlands, even if I want to pause at 59 to PvP before I do. It's been a long time since I was at the top of my bracket on Gal, and I dearly miss the hours I have spent in AB and even WSG. The funny thing is, is that I don't even remember what pet I used to PvP with. I mean, nowadays when I PvP I just pop in for a quick go with whatever pet I happen to have trained. Or I play on Zocks (who's almost 29 and twinked) or Saraii (who I PvPed on more when she was 19 and twinked).

Here's where I get to the point of this post:

Now that I am actually moving up in levels, I once again find myself lost and petless. Well, partially.

My stable consists of three pets.

Luca, formerly Humar the Pridelord, who I trained with Shammy many a month (year?) ago. He stopped somewhere around 39-40 when I got my tiger Sarai in STV. Now out of all the pets that have come and gone, Luca has been the one that I can't bear to part with. And I would level him, but I have two issues with him: one, I should be focusing on leveling myself instead of worrying about my pet; two, everyone has Humar, and although on occassion I enjoy being just another hunter in the crowd, I like being unique, too. I am a troll hunter, and female no less. I need a pet that matches my play style and my personality. And although Humar does fit the bill (black or white pets attract me more than almost any other skin), he is so unique that now everyone has him. I love Luca, though, so maybe he will be reborn in a new skin one day (blue tiger from Winterspring? That would match my hair!)

As another note, I love cats. Tigers are my favorite animals!

Nem the boar, a piggie covered in mud that Z trained for me in the Blasted Lands. You all know about my issues with Nem. I dislike boars as a family. There are some really cute boar skins, dun get me wrong, like the ones from Loch Modan. I adore those reddish brown and black ones. I even like the armored boars! I totally would have gone for one of those. And I do accept that they are awesome for both PvE and PvP. But I don't like Nem. However, I'm not stupid. I kept Nem anyways, because he is my level and he is well trained with full loyalty already. And I will eventually find some use for him. But he replaced Sarai, my tiger, and that was not fun for me. And that makes me a little bit bitter about using Nem.

It's just that, well, I've been having issues sticking with pets, as I've talked about on numerous occassions before. I have tamed almost all the rare pets or special skinned pets. I have all the proper ranks of spells, etc., just from going out and finding and taming and then, sadly, getting bored and dismissing. And now that I have to take into consideration the needs of my party for instances, or my guild, or even my PvP career, my old pets have to go. One by one the pets that I used to really care about are disapearing, being replaced by my ADD pets, like Nem, or the wind serpent I used to have, or even Fenrir. One by one the pets that I used to really care about are being replaced by pets that are more useful to me as a hunter.

And now I have problems attaching to any one pet on Gal, because I have had so many. I don't have this problem on any of my other hunters, and that this is happening to Gal, to my main, makes me so so sad.

Which brings me to my last pet, Fenrir.

Fenrir gives me hope. He is a fine companion for Gal, and she is starting to fall in love with him. She loves every time he turns blue after proccing Ferocious Howl. She loves how he runs, sort of lopsided, but totally cute. She loves how he appears every time she dismounts. By the time I land from a flight and get over the lag, he is there waiting for me, like he got there even before I did. He is the first (and only) pet I've taken to Outlands with me, and he knows Shattrath well. He's gone to Sunken Temple and now has solo'd Blackrock Depths. I have no doubt in my mind that he will be there, or at least close by, when I finally finish all my quests in Un'Goro, or when I do PvP in the future. He's gonna be by my side in one way or another for a while to come.

And even though he isn't a rare pet, he is unique. He is a gorgeous beast, and there are days when I wish I could just lie down on the soil of the Burning Steppes and sink my hands and face into his warm, soft fur.

Fenrir is becoming Gal's saving grace.

But I also have to consider the future, and the other pets that I will need.

And I hope that wherever that takes me, I will find a pet that inspires me to love again, just as Fenrir is doing now.

I remember every pet I have ever tamed. I remember my first pet, my raptor Domino. I remember Vale the wolf from Ashenvale. Then Humar. Then Sarai. Those are the pets I really loved and will always hold close to me, even though most of them are gone. And I think Fenrir will one day join them.

But I still need to find others that captivate me as much as Fenrir does now, and are just as beneficial as companions, which is why I before said "petless."

Blue cat from Winterspring? And Olm the Wise?

Fenrir, welcome to the family.

1 comment:

Faeldray said...

Hooray for wolves!

Nicora and Blacky (her own black wolf) say hi :)

I love their lopsided runs as well. Reminds me so much of my own real-life Blacky.

And this is why I have so many hunters. I can't bear to release all the pets that I love.


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