Words to Live By:
Due to the awkward look and feel of Tauren in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Tauren, you've been warned.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Blue Cat, Orange Raptor, Blue Bracers

So Cat and I are busy buying gear galore, gems for our spiffy Ramparts pants that we got (did I ever mention those in the flurry of dinging 60? I guess not), upgrading some stuff (why are our bracers an -of the Wolf SM drop? something screwy happened there during one of our naked Outlands runs), including a new belt which gives a major crit and RAP boost, running Ramparts till our eyes bleed, yay yay, waiting in AV queues for the 30 Marks we need to afford the PvP Black War Raptor that we've wanted since, like, forever, leveling first aid (!), skinning our brains out, and actually leveling herbalism since we now go super fast. Gal's not leaving Hellfire until all her profs are up to date. She doesn't even have a single point of XP yet because all she's been doing her chores like a good troll. She's even been meleeing (gasp) to get her two-handed axes skill up. She's also practicing her jump shots and kiting and trapping and pulling and wingclipping. I think I have to work on wing clip the most. And she now properly uses BW whenever the cooldown is up, can chain trap all through Ramparts (heya, good story there), and now remembers which trinket to use when. Good work!

So it's been a busy weekend for Gal and Co., but we'll be around doing our thang and smacking some Alliance hides in AV.

Also, after dinging 60, Gal was recruited by a very very casual 60-70 leveling and Kara-running guild called Biohazard. We'll see how it works out. They are quiet, which I like, and very professional. I can't wait to run something with them. Also their tabard is actually tasteful (that's a first). The only awkwardness I have had with my old guild was a day ago when I physically ran into the GM, but we exchanged a few emotes and went our separate ways, so I think it's all good.

So, yeah. Most of my time on WoW will be spent on Ner'zhul this weekend. I have to level Zocks and gear him up for AB, and I have tons of stuff to auction off (my poor bank mule is drowning in gear right now).

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