So I downloaded the patch on the desktop computer (no WoW on laptop anymore) and booted it up.
Super fast loading screen, I love it! Gal was in Hellfire with no addons and a full inventory and mailbox (stuff getting sent back from my bank alt....and it's now all getting deleted hah). I felt a little overwhelmed without all my mods at first, but grew to like the freshness of it all. Very old-school.
This was during rolling restarts so there was a lot of NPC lag, which is weird because usually I just get everything lag. In fact, I had almost no lag at all except the NPC lag. Very nice.
I few hours later I log on again. Smooooooothness. No lag. Guild is in Kara, no wipes yet and they have downed Curator and a bunch of other stuff.
So I decide to run BF because I am sick of questing by myself. /rant on Hellfire noobs
I group everyone in the LFG list and we get a priest and we're good to go.
I kinda stopped paying attention after that. I was talking to guildies and listening to music and such—basically just autoshotting everying (huntard!), but we were pretty OPed for BF, which was interesting.
Okay, I promise this isn't going to be a long story about Blood Furnace. I have a point, and the point is weird post-patch behavior of the mechanical variety:
We get in the room just past the big jellyfish guy (he's so cute!!) and I notice Cat drop in happiness. I feed him. We kill some minions. I look again and he's still unhappy. I feel him again. This time when I go to loot I see that my cursor still has the grey outline from feed pet. Weird. Open my bags, click some food. Nothing happens. Click some different food. Nothing.
My party says to dismiss and then call back. Good idea. When Cat comes back up he's very very sad looking. I try and feed him again, and this time I get:
Spell Not Learned Yet.
Oh crap.
I dismiss him again so he won't run away, but now I'm seriously hindered. I mean autoshotting and stuff was bad alreeady, but at least I was spamming some arcanes, steadies, and popping some BW in there. I know, I'm so cool.
We keep clearing to the next boss and now I notice between my arcanes and steadies that I stop shooting completely. No autoshot. Nada. I just stand still.
Relogging fixed it all, but it was very frustrating at the time. I'm kinda scared to think about what would go down if that happened during something more important. But maybe it's just a one time thing....
One more patch-related thing. I did AB on Zocks and I hate those little BG IDs. Hate them. I like knowing where everyone is from.
Other than that, AB is normal. Thank god.
Sorry about the length of this post and the random change in tenses. I'm being really ADD today, yay!!!!

Words to Live By:
Due to the awkward look and feel of Tauren in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Tauren, you've been warned.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Patch Aftermath?
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Satrina Buff Frames
Scrolling Combat Text
Satrina Buff Frames
Scrolling Combat Text
Bartender 3
Bartender 3
Quest Helper
Quest Helper
Pitbull UF
Pitbull UF
hey! this sounds related to the kill command bug that was floating around a bit before the patch (and was not going to be looked at). Kill command would get locked, resulting in specials (arcane, multi), spells (such as feed pet) becoming unusable and leaving you with nothing but auto shot. The only fix at this stage is sadly, to log out then back in.
Hopefully this is related to the issue you experienced in BF and not something new! It is a concern to all of us bow slingers that blizzard did not look into fixing it for 2.4 :(
happy hunting~
Ah interesting. I heard a bit about that.
I'm thinking I might give a head's up to Mania about it. She's always very in the know about this stuff, hahah.
Also, I see you are about to join the blogging scene. Awesome! Good luck, and if you ever need anything, we're always around to help!
took me a while to hunt through and find where these comments were.
I've got my little site up, partway complete I guess you could say. have a read through, would appreciate any tips/suggestions.
happy hunting~
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