Words to Live By:
Due to the awkward look and feel of Tauren in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Tauren, you've been warned.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Laptop Cometh 2 - with Pictures!!

Thar she blows!


This is old laptop. Me love you even though you is broke bad. Now mi hermana pequena has it so she can play Webkinz.

This is me with a statue of my blue cat attacking a spore bat. Can't you see it?! My mom thought I was crazy. The face I'm making is me attempting to look like a bloodthirsty troll. That's not normally what I look like, as far as I know.

Also five troll points for anyone who can name the movie playing on my laptop, and ten to anyone who can say where I am in the last picture.


Anonymous said...

oooh very jealous! How is it for playing wow? I was contemplating getting one at some point...

The film is Harry Potter order of the phoenix, as for where you are in the last pic- not a clue!

Rayare said...

Congrats, you get five troll points! Yay!!

Anonymous said...

cool 'puter...i am unfortunately stuck with le 'ole dasktop

anyways, i assume thats the new parka youre holding?

anyways, shows without socks that arent 'flops are a no-no


Anonymous said...

whoa, thats too many anyways


Rayare said...

lol what about my shoes? they're called flats....

Anonymous said...

gah, i know what theyre called...it was a florida thing i guess...all the local hillbillies wear flops with everything...was more of a jab at them than you...my B


Anonymous said...

PC > Mac, end of discussion.


Rayare said...

uhm......i don't think so.

Anonymous said...

nice new machine. and you play mouseless? :O

Rayare said...

i've played primarily mouseless since the beginning of my wow career. with the recent death of my old laptop, i moved to a temporary (but nice) desktop with my double click mouse (which i hardly use but love). now that my new laptop is up and running i will probably go back to mouseless, but i can't deny the addicting fun-ness that is the jump shot.

yeah, i can jump shot, noobs. <3

i owe you a post about my mac stuff, and it's a-coming!


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