Words to Live By:
Due to the awkward look and feel of Tauren in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Tauren, you've been warned.

Monday, May 12, 2008


So what's up with Blessing of Salvation?


And yeah, I did put the BPS (Bad Pally Syndrome) tag on this.


Anonymous said...

heh, how do you mean what's up with salvation? it reduces the threat generated by all attacks by whomever is blessed with it :)

Rayare said...

yeah, which is why i don't get why people shun it so much. i'm trying to understand why we say "oh salv" like it's a bad thing. or is it just an ego thing?

Anonymous said...

depending on how many paladins in your group?

if i'm in a 5 man with a prot pally tank, i dont mind getting salv. with a pally tank i'm generally not required to MD pull, so salv doesn't affect, salv helps in that situation where he's tanking 5 at once and so you don't accidently pull a mob that he hasn't hit very much i guess.

raid situation, i'd rather have kings, might, wisdom, i don't really want salv as i'm usually pulling, and salv will piss all over my misdirected aimed, arcane's , pretty much render it useless...

salv i guess doesn't really boost your stats or give you mana so everyone will generally roll their eyes at it...

as a hunter i want, kings then might, then wisdom, rarely do i want salv...

Anonymous said...

Salv mostly depends on the state of your gear vs the other dpsers in the group. Generally if you feel you are undergeared, you probably dont need salv and should go with might. But as you get higher AP and Crit, salv definately helps manage aggro, although hunters have ezmode feign for aggro wipe.


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