Words to Live By:
Due to the awkward look and feel of Tauren in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Tauren, you've been warned.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Happy early Thanksgiving from me and the pets and the alts over here in UC! We're feeling rather festive, actually. Well, we would be if we weren't all feeling sick as well.

I actually really like Thanksgiving. We have a rather large family, and thus have to cook twice as much food. Two turkeys only last a few days.

On the WoW side of things, the pet (we'll talk about the pet upgrade in a minute) and I are furiously trying to think of ways to earn money for Gal's epic mount. Since we've only been pvping on alts since....months before BC came out and have not been leveling Gal or making money for her, we decided we're screwed. At this rate Gal will be able to afford her new mount at level 70. L. O. L. right?

As for the new pet. So, Gal has been shifting pets for levels and levels (which is the equivalent to about a year in RL time since I haven't been playing her). However, at fifty-two her new pet becomes available. Since we had Olm the Wise on our old main, we want him again for Gal. We predict that we will use Olm for end game stuff, as well, but I will have one or two alternate pets for her to use when she needs to.

Actually, I haven't been in game yet today due to my sickliness. I've been obsessed with tinkering with my addons all week, but other than that haven't really gotten any work done in game. Okay, I haven't gotten any work down out of the game, either. I don't know how it's possible to spend three or four hours doing nothing in WoW, but it certainly is.

We'll update later maybe?


Satrina Buff Frames
Scrolling Combat Text
Bartender 3
Quest Helper
Pitbull UF