I have a lot to cover today:
1. I'm done with school and graduating on Friday. /hold for applause
2. So Kryptonite (aka Biohazard) died when my friends and I left. We all joined Blue Pants Crew, but then got tired of being by ourselves. My good friend Ed joined Blood for Blood. Me and my healer made a new guild called Koopa Troop. Then I left Koopa for BfB, which then disbanded. Now I'm in Sword of the Horde with Z. Is that complicated enough?
3. I'm actually level 66 now. And I'm in all blues.
4. I ran around ZG the other day and solo tamed Son of Hakkar. Easy but fun. I've always wanted one, too. Back in the day, Kaliska was my hero. I had to abandon Fenrir to do so, however. He was falling behind anyways.....
5. I also got the Hakkar run on film, if anyone is interested in seeing it. Basically at my level you don't aggro anything.
6. My first MC run was a total disaster. I logged on and found Ed in a big raid group full of people going, so I hopped on in with Z and hit the ground running. Turned out that no one was attuned. So the couple of us that were (there were some CDG people that were obviously decent players and were attuned) zoned into MC, then promptly had to summon every single level 60-65 noob that we had gotten to fill the raid. Z wanted to kill something. Anyways, lotsa annoying chatter and demands of summons, heals, and resurrections later and we wipe for about the millionth time on Core Hounds. I was the only one that survived. I dropped the raid and hearthed out of there. Good riddance.
7. The above makes me realize how difficult this might be for me. My guild is a raiding guild, that's true, but they don't have time for a lowbie hunter that got in because of a good word from a friend. It's a little ironic, too, that my guild actually does an Ony run every week, but only the RL's friends get to go....
8. What happened to people? Lots of WoW bloggers I love have been dropping off the map. I'm puzzled.
9. The blue cat still needs a name. I know, right?
10. I've got some good stuff coming your way, so stick around!

Words to Live By:
Due to the awkward look and feel of Tauren in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Tauren, you've been warned.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Welcome Back
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Satrina Buff Frames
Scrolling Combat Text
Satrina Buff Frames
Scrolling Combat Text
Bartender 3
Bartender 3
Quest Helper
Quest Helper
Pitbull UF
Pitbull UF
Yeah, I've certainly been having a tough time getting anybody in my guild interested in a Molten Core group. This despite the fact that we did ZG not too long ago and had a blast and everybody is currently all hyped up over some future Naxx run. No one wants to do MC. =(
This is what I'm going to do when I get the leaf: Buy a bunch of level 60 greens and respec to a level 60 spec. And then do the quest. Doing it at level 70 would feel like cheating to me >.>
I'm still around. I'm thinking that the warm weather has got people outside. Ha, not me though!
/applauds for your graduation
Pike - yeah I feel like a cheater, too. I should have done the quest preBC.
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