I am Solsyn. I hail from Bloodhoof village in Mulgore. I am a huntress. I prowl the grasslands of Mulgore below Thunder Bluff in search of rare beasts and even rarer treasure.
When I was in my fifth season I met an elder mage named Gasb. Gasb was Undead. He promised to show me the wonders of the world—he'd give me the key to all the adventure I could ever want. So I stopped killing mana worms and I took his hand. Together we stepped through a glittering portal, and I found myself in a dripping cave filled with Undead filth. They sneered at me as I ran out of the cave, desperately seeking the sunlight.
Outside I was instantly blinded by the light of the hot, glimmering sun. I was surrounded by green. I kept running and almost flew off of the edge of a steep cliff. I caught myself just in time. I looked down and my face went white.
Behind me someone snickered. I turned. A Tauren woman with a huge axe looked down at me. She smiled kindly and said something in Taurahe. Gasb came out of the cave and stood next to her.
He sneered. "Good luck, kid." I blinked and he was gone.
"Great. I trusted a corpse. Now look where I am....."
"You are in Thunder Bluff, young elf." I jumped at the sound of the Tauren's voice. "I can show you around, but I think you want to head south." The Tauren pointed. "Head to Bloodhoof village. Speak to the innkeeper there. He will set you straight."
"Thank you."
"For the Horde!"
So I set off down the road towards Bloodhoof, and that's where I made my home. I live to run through the tall grass of the plains. I thrill for the sound of the screeching birds and the roar of the lions. I long to sleep under the stars on the banks of Stonebull River.
My skin has tanned with the Mulgore heat, deepening to a muddy red. My hair is black and tangled. There is sweat on my brow and I wear the skins of the animals I kill.
I love Mulgore, but now it is time to leave and seek new adventure and riches. I heard that there is a war going on in a far off land that has made many wealthy and honored. For now, though, I think I will head east towards the dry Barrens.
It's the Ratshag vibe.

Words to Live By:
Due to the awkward look and feel of Tauren in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Tauren, you've been warned.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Solsyn - Welcome to Mulgore
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She would get a long very nicely with my male blood elf hunter who was raised by taurens and lives in Bloodhoof Village >.>
omgsh yes she would! she was raised side by side with a tauren druid named Bruid, but he left her before she reached the Barrens.
lol i knew the bloodelf in bloodhoof thing sounded a little familiar. great minds, right?
some mage ported you to thunder bluff and left you there? that's hilarious.
unless of course you wanted to go there, which is somewhat less humorous.
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